2.La máquina
3.El equipaje
4.La cabina
Left Brain (Analytic)
Right Brain (Global)
1. Is a verbal/auditory learner
1. Is a visual learner
2. Responds to word meaning
2. Responds to tone of voice
3. Prefers sequential presentations
3. Prefers random or simultaneous presentations
4. Processes information linearly
4. Processes information in varied order
5. Responds primarily to logic
5. Responds primarily to emotion
6. Plans ahead
6. Is more likely to be impulsive
7. Recalls people’s names
7. Recalls people’s faces
8. Speaks with few gestures
8. Gestures when speaking
9. Is punctual
9. May be less punctual
10. Prefers traditional study methods
10. Prefers sound/music background while studying
11. Prefers bright lights while studying
11. Prefers variety/mobility in learning environment