Muy buenas, señor Sánchez ¿Cómo está?
Bien, gracias ¿Y usted?
Muy bien, gracias. Adiós
Hasta Luego.

Hola José.
¿Qué tal, Ana y Pedro?
Más o menos. ¿Y tú?
¡Muy bien! Hasta Mañana, ¿eh?
Let's take it apart:
The first mini dialogue was the formal situation. It is used with people who are not friends or some family members. Although, in some countries and their regions there might be differences in how they addressed each other. In the Venezuelan Andes, the preferred way to communicated to each other is using the formal way. It is the safest way to greet others and making a good impression. It is always better to wait until given permission to addressed others in the "tu'' -form.
The second dialogue was the informal situation. It is with people we know well such as friends and some family members.
Other expressions that will help you greet others are:
Buenos días: Good morning
Buenas tardes: Good afternoon
Buenas noches:Good night
Next, Did you notice the word señorita? You will also see it abbreviated Srta.
señor: Mr. or sir
señora: Mrs. or Madamseñorita: Miss
tu (informal): you
usted (formal) : you.
¿Cómo está? =How are you?
está: (verb to be) in the question above =you are (usted form)
In the informal situation:
¿Qué tal?=How are you?
Don't panic! it will all make sense eventually!
bien: fine, well
muy bien: very well
gracias: thank you
asi asi: so-so(this one is intended to be used using your hands to indicate the so-so feeling)
más o menos: more or less
Other words used to take leave are:
hasta mañana: Until tomorrow; see you tomorrow
adiós: good bye
hasta luego: see you later
hasta más tarde: see you later
Cultural note
I would like to point out that in different countries mealtimes vary. In some countries midday meal is aroung 1 or 2 PM while in others is at noon. The same applies for evening meals wich can go as early as 6 PM to 11PM. In many Latin American countries an evening meal could take place between 7 and 9 PM. In Spain, I've been told that an evening meal could be as late as 10 or 11 PM!
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