Saturday, October 4, 2008

¿Cuánto es? and more -ar verbs

After learning some numbers, it is always good to learn about finding the cost of things in the market. Therefore, the question ¿Cuánto es? will be the next thing you will learn today.
¿Cuánto es? means How much does it cost? This question is accompanied by the pointing at the item you are interested in at the store or the open market.
Next, we need to learn about verbs and words related to shopping or buying:

comprar=to buy

pagar= to pay

Did you notice that both verbs ended in -ar? Well, if you want to talk about yourself then you need to substitute the -ar for -o.

comprar---- yo compro (I buy)
pagar--------yo pago (I pay)

If you would like to talk about another person (you), then you need to substitute the -ar for a:

comprar------ compra (you buy)
pagar---------- paga (you pay)

As you can see the -o and -a tell us who does the action. So, now I am going to conjugate the verb so you can see how it changes depending on who does the action..


Yo        compro            nosotros compramos       
tu         compras          vosotros  compráis
el          compra            ellos          compran
ella       compra            ellas          compran
usted  compra             ustedes    compran

If you are at a hotel you might want to know if you pay now or later, you say ¿Pago ahora? Do I pay now? Depending on the country you are visiting you will find different names for their money such as pesos for Mexico, Argentina and Colombia . In Spain, you will find pesetas and Euros (European currency that can be used in participating countries). In countries such as Venezuela you will now find Bolivar Fuerte (for more information visit latinwise)

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