Thursday, June 30, 2011

Spanish Lesson- Family Part 2 ( La Familia Parte 2)

Now that you have learned the basic family vocabulary, today we will add a few more members to these family. You already met José, María, Elena and Carlos. Below is a review of their relationship using terms such as husband and wife; children, parents, father, mother, daughter, son, siblings, sister and brother.

José y María son esposos.
José es el esposo de María.
 María es la esposa de José.
José y María tienen dos hijos.
José y María son los padres de Elena y Carlos.
José  es el padre de Elena y Carlos.
María es la madre de Elena y Carlos.

Elena y Carlos son los hijos de José y María.
Elena es la hija de José y María.
Carlos es el hijo de José y María.
Elena y Carlos son hermanos.
Elena es la hermana de Carlos.
Carlos es el hermano de Elena.

Let's get ready to meet the new members to our family!!

The following words are introduced in this video.

La abuela
El abuelo
La nieta
El nieto


 In the next post, I'll introduce more members to the family and new relationships between those new members. In the meantime, take your time and learn La Familia in the first post and  this last video. Next, try to make your own family tree practicing the vocabulary provided in the two posts. I am still working on the third portion using other video software. Keep practicing.

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