Friday, August 19, 2011

Spanish Lesson - Telling Time (Questions and Answers Part I)

The Clock:

It has become apparent to me that no matter where you are located, there are many questions regarding the Spanish Language. My intent in this post is to answer some of those that have been asked in my classes and by those individuals who want to learn for the fun of it. As you know, languages are constantly in motion and ever changing; however, in Spanish the changes become acceptable among those in academia and take time to become part of the popular culture. Other times, it is the usage of the people that forces the hand of those in academia to accept changes by popular vote. This is evident in the words now incorporated in dictionaries. Do not worry, in Spanish we have La Real Academia Española to keep us from going astray. As a result, there is the Spanish used in schools and universities and the one that is consider popular. Within those sectors of the population, you can find the Spanish spoken in Latin American Countries and that in the regions of Spain. Clear as mud? So, let's begin with few Q&A and evolve into something useful for all of us.

1.What is the most appropriate way to ask for the time in countries where Spanish is spoken?

The correct way to ask for the time is in the singular form:  ¿Qué hora es? (here, the word hora is used to mean ‘moment of the day’). The response to this question is: Es la una  for 1 a.m or 1p.m  and plural for the rest such as "Son las diez y media"or " Son las dos menos cuarto."
In plural, ¿Qué horas son? is acceptable,although less recommended, and it is use more frequently by those who are less educated and are from the Americas ¿Qué horas son, compa?  would ask a young man in the streets. "Van a dar las cinco"- would answer the shop keeper
If I receive a call after midnight, I'll be using the plural form to ask: ¿qué horas son estas?: «¿Cómo que qué horas son estas de llamar?

Other ways ask for the time:
 1.You can also use the verb "decir" instead of "dar".You can ask:
          "¿Me puede decir la hora?" (formal)
          "¿Me puedes decir la hora?" (informal)

2. If you would rather use dar,
          ¿Me da la hora, por favor? (formal)
          ¿Me das la hora? (informal)
I'll suggest using the verb "poder":
         "¿Me puedes dar la hora, por favor" (informal)
         "¿Me puede dar la hora, por favor?" (formal)

As I said above, the correct way of asking for the time is  ¿Qué hora es? (what time is it?)
hora in this question is used to ask about a moment in the day. It is a female noun ( la hora) so if it happens to be 1 am or 1 pm. the answer to the question would be: Es la una de la mañana (It is one in the morning) or es la una de la tarde (It is one in the afternoon.)
Remember: Es la una de la la and una are used because hora is a feminine word (la hora). Un,uno,una= one
una hora 
 ¿A QUÉ HORA ES ? (At what time?) is used to find out the specific time something is taking place such as a movie. ¿A QUÉ HORA ES la película ?¿A QUÉ HORA ES el vuelo?¿A QUÉ HORA ES el juego de fútbol?

 3. If I were asked ¿Qué hora es ahora? ¿Qué hora era hace quince minutos? ¿Qué hora era hace treinta minutos? How do I answer those questions.

     a. ¿Qué hora es ahora? 
 It would be answered the same way as has been stated before. If the time is 1:00 am or 1:00 pm, then it would be es la una de la mañana or es la una de la tarde. Es la una en punto, la una y cuarto, la una menos diez, etc.
If the time is 2:00 am or 2 pm, then the answer would be son las dos en punto de la mañana or las dos en punto de la tarde. 
 ¿Qué hora es ahora?
 Ahora es la una y cuarto de la tarde or son las dos y media.

        b. ¿Qué hora era hace quince minutos? 
          This will depend on the time provided so if you have 3:15 pm, then the answer should be: Eran las tres de la tarde or, Eran las tres en punto de la tarde.
If the time given was 1:15 am then the answer would be: Era la una de la mañana or, Era la una en punto de la mañana.

         C.¿Qué hora era hace treinta minutos?
                If the time provided was 1:30 pm, the answer would be: Era la una de la tarde or Era la una en punto de la tarde.
                  If the time provided was 3:15  then the answer to the question would be: Eran las tres menos cuarto.  

More later with more questions and answers...
Feel free to ask, request subject or material to add to the post or provide feedback .
Hasta Luego! See you soon! 

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