Monday, December 24, 2012


Today is a very especial day for Christians around the world. In many countries this day is celebrated in different ways. It is safe to say that within a country there are variations on how we celebrate the holidays. One thing we have in common, we all want to be together with our family members. 
As a child, we celebrated by going to midnight mass with a live nativity and by following the search for a place for baby Jesus to be born. The extended family will gather and enjoy eating delicious hallacas, Pan de Jamon (ham bread), ensalada de gallina (chicken salad) and many desserts. In the background, the sound of Christmas music or music we like to hear at this time of the year such as Maracaibo 15, Coquivacoa, Los Tucusitos, Los Billos Caracas Boys and many more.
Imagine every Venezuelan eating an hallaca at midnight at the same time! It is almost like a flash mob!!!! Well, you get my meaning. 
So, in case you want to try our holiday meal, bellow you will find away to make a ham bread. There are variations to this recipe depending who makes it.

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