Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spanish Nouns

Once in a while, we get to a point in which we are confused and frustrated by the many rules and grammar terminology that we read while studying a language. I try to stay away as much as I can so you can concentrate on learning and not on wondering on what I mean by that or if that it is even in your language. 
In Spanish gender is in all nouns. As a result, when you are describing something or someone remember that the adjectives must agree in number and gender with the person one is talking about. Some words that describe people are masculine while others are feminine: el individuo, la persona, and so on.
The adjectives that modify persona will always be feminine, and those that modify individuo will always be masculine, regardless of the sex of the person that they refer to.

El amigo de Roberto es una persona muy lista.

In this sentence, note that lista (feminine) is because of una persona and not because of el amigo.
Luisa es un individuo muy independiente.

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