Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Learn Spanish-Present Tense Verb To Be -Ser Part III El Verbo Ser en el Presente- Parte III

I recommend that you watch :
Present Tense Verb To Be- Part I

10 Rules to Help you Know When a Noun is Masculine or Feminine

 artístico (artistic) Pedro es  artístico. (Pedro is artistic.)
 artística (artistic) Ella es  artística. (She is artistic.)
 tacaño (stingy) El señor es tacaño. (The gentleman is stingy.)
 tacaña (stingy) La señora es tacaña. (The woman is stingy.)
simpático (nice) El muchacho es simpático. (the young man is nice.)
 simpática (nice) La muchacha es simpática. (the young lady is nice.)
 ordenado (organized)  El jefe es ordenado. (the boss is organized.)
 ordenada (organized)  La jefe es ordenada. (the boss is organized.)
desordenado (unorganized) El dueño es desordenado. ( the owner is unorganized.)
 desordenada (unorganized) La niña es desordenada. ( the girl is unorganized.)
 trabajador  (hard-working man) El hombre es trabajador. ( the man is hard-working.)
  trabajadora  (hard-working woman) El mujer es trabajadora. ( the woman is hard-working.)
perezoso (lazy) El hombre es perezoso. (the man is lazy)
 perezosa (lazy) La mujer es perezosa. (the woman is lazy)  
 aventurero (adventurous ) El hombre es aventurero. (the man is adventurous.)
 aventurera (adventurous ) La mujer es aventurera. (the woman is adventurous.)
gracioso (funny) El hombre es gracioso. (the man is funny.) graciosa (funny) La mujer es graciosa(funny) (the woman is funny.)

 antipático (obnoxious, nasty) El hombre es antipático. (the man is nasty.)
 antipática (obnoxious, nasty) La muchacha es antipática. (the young woman is nasty.)
serio (serious) El hombre es serio. (the man is serious.)
seria (serious) La muchacha es seria. (the young woman is serious.)
 paciente (patient)  El hombre es paciente. (the man is patient.) 

 paciente (patient)  La mujer es paciente. (the woman is patient.)
deportista ( athletic ) El hombre es deportista. (the man is athletic.)
deportista ( athletic ) La mujer es deportista. (the woman is athletic.)
prudente (cautious) El hombre es prudente. ( The man is cautious.)
prudente (cautious) La mujer es prudente. ( The woman is cautious.)
 generoso (generous)  El señor es generoso. (the gentleman is generous.)
generosa (generous)  La joven es generosa. (the young lady is generous.)

Do you see a pattern?

1. Those that end in -o:
artístico, desordenado, ,ordenado,simpático,tacaño,perezoso,

2.  Those that end in -a

3. Those that end in -e:  paciente

4. Those that end in -r:  trabajador

The end of the word is important because it tells us the gender. In English, gender is male or female. Examples that cover this concept are:
                                    boy, girl
                                    men, woman
             To describe them, I would say:
                        The man is nice.
                         The woman is nice.

In Spanish, the adjectives have to change according to gender.

To describe:              ¿Cómo es ….....?  (How is …......?)
             ¿Cómo es la joven?  (How is the young lady?)
                Ella es simpática, graciosa y aventurera.
               ¿Cómo es el joven?  (How is the young man?)
                Él es simpático, gracioso y aventurero.

¿Cómo eres?                         Yo soy

Male                                                                            Female
Yo soy simpático,                                               Yo soy simpática,      
gracioso y                                                            graciosa y
aventurero.                                                           aventurera.

Male                                                                             Female

-o                                                                                      -a
-r                                                                                       -ra
-e                                   paciente                                     -e
-ista                               deportista                                  -ista

                                                   (To Be)

yo soy ( I am)
tú  eres (you are) informal
él es (he is)
ella es (she is)

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