Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Learn Spanish- Nouns, Definite Articles and Classroom Vocabulary

Learn Spanish- Nouns, Definite Articles and Classroom Vocabulary

This lesson might sound like a grammar class, but it is good to learn some vocabulary and some grammar terminology. Do you remember in pasts videos when I talked about sustantivos?
Sustantivo (noun) is a word that is the name of a peerson, animal, idea, place, or thing.
In Spanish, we can tell what a noun is based on if it has an article in front of it.
Article is a word that comes before a noun and signals it as a noun. In English, we use: the a, an
 In this video, we are going to cover: the (definite article)
This means that we are talking about a specific noun. So, if I ask for a book. It is not any book, but a specific book.     
In Spanish, we say:
el, la, los, las What? Four ways?!!
These articles help us find out if a noun is masculine, feminine or how many there are.
Let's say in English, student. In Spanish is estudiante. So, how do you know if it a female or a male student? Well, you have the article el estudiante (male); la estudiante (female).
Ex: el niño, la niña and in the plural los niños and las niñas
English used to have genders. Starting in the tenth century until the end of the thirteen century started to disappear from the English language.
So, let's start with some classroom vocabulary to get the hang og it.
El libro (book)
el bolígrafo (pen)
el pupitre (student desk)
el reloj (watch)
el armario (closet, armoire)
el diccionario (dictionary)
el cuaderno(notebook)
la mochila (backpack )
la regla (ruler)
To make a noun plural:
If it ends in a vowel:add -s
If it ends in a consonant: add -es

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